You have already wings
I show you how to fly with them!
Empowerment is no matter of a single ingredient on the way to success and well-being. It is rather a combination of different elements in order to reach a
holistically positive outcome in every aspect of life. Let's compare it to martial arts, in specific karate. A good master teaches his trainee not merely pysical tequniques of karate. His
teachings are set together from elements of body, mind and spirit. With mental coaching for the end goal and phylosophy to persistency and discipline karate starts in ones mind before it is implemented by the body. After that you learn warming-up techniques. Only after that you will get to the core of karate, which is the fighting technique. A good healthy karate fighter combines all this disciplines. The same is true for
empowerment coaching as a positive transformation process during which you are led to the core of a matter, being empowered of winning new perspectives. With tools tailored for my clients
As an empowerment coach and trainer, I work with leaders, entrepreneurs, SMEs, institutions and private individuals to successfully implement these optimizations. With inspiration, useful input and fresh approaches, together we create systems and a corresponding masterplan to their success. What is your masterplan?
"Uniqueness" extends beyond its definition; it is a truth within you.
I empower my clients to excel themselves and leave their own footprints instead of stepping in someone else’s.
Reach goals with your potential and the right mindset.
Agile Working gehört zu den wichtigsten Führungsphilosophien heutiger Unternehmen, die am Puls der Zeit agieren und sich auf die raschen Entwicklungen und Veränderungen der heutigen Märkte einstellen, um ihren Platz in diesem Netz zu finden. Kreativität marktwirtschaftlich eine Form verleihen, in der wir Chancen nutzen und Neues gestalten, im Flow sind, Nützliches mit Notwendigem verbinden, Schnelligkeit mit Freiraum kombinieren.
Lassen Sie uns zu diesem Zweck gemeinsam neue Akzente setzen, mit agilen Tools und Mitarbeitern erfolgreich eine agile Unternehmensführung gestalten.
- Scrum Master
- New Work
- Change Management
Intercultural Training
Living diversity and using it economically is a current and important topic for companies in a globalized world. Diversity is the new cosmopolitan. Take your company to the next level by creating your own diversity code. Raise your popularity with your clients, win new ones and increase your revenues. Outstanding individuals and companies have taken advantage of diversity. Google and Facebook are only examples. They’re dedicated, not to the differences, but to diversity and higher goals. Similarly, many SMC companies are also following suit.
As someone who personally lives diversity and has gained the corresponding experience, I show you how to build bridges, join you with those conducive to growth, and how to inspire others and leave an impact. I support you in bringing life to words like tolerance, peace, diversity connected with growth and success.
You have recently been promoted to team leader, head of department or division manager or you have already held a management role for a while and, for one reason or another, cooperation with your management assistant has not worked out?
Often underestimated - executive assistants inherit a central role within the daily business procedure and are one of the most important management reliefs available, if given the opportunity to work optimally within the work space. She needs to have a wide repertoire of good skills and constantly keep balance of all developments in her mediatorial administrative position. Demands are high for a good assistant.
Truly knowing your assistant rewards relief, better workflow, lower costs and a more successful company. Companies waste resources by neglecting this vital aspect. Homemade problems - for which there is a solution. As a former executive assistant and today an entrepreneur, I’m aware of the situation on both sides. I can provide you with insights into your assistant’s world and help to optimize your cooperation with your EA - efficient, long-term, enriching for all, sustainable and visible. Nowadays, mindful leadership is a central topic for companies at the pulse of time. Be one of the pioneers of mindful leadership!
- Training for executives
- Training for executive assisstants
High Potentials, highly sensitive persons and their environment If you have one of them you are from the lucky ones.
My mission: I help you in the identification of multi- and highly gifted individuals in your company. Moreover I support you with my know how for an optimized cooperation with gifted people and this way to increasing business success. For this reason on one hand I implement trainings with executives as they are an important key link. On the other hand I coach the high potentials in your company.
Also I find for you appropriate matches.
About 2% of the world's population are high potentials (HP), high-flyers or highly talented persons. They are gifted with great potential, think outside the box and are lateral- and forward thinkers. They also regularly push themselves outside their comfort-zone in their search for growth and development. They are
highly-, multi and versatile talented and they learn very rapidly. When others already have given up they are way far from coming to an end. They are versatile to such an extend that they
are predestined for a number of tasks, special fields and positions.
Find your I-Code!
Do you, like many others, want to continue to defend your comfort zone even under pressure, or do you want to determine your own path?
As an empowerment coach, I support those who have already made their mark in the material world and now are in a process of change and/or in a decision-making
This could be the desire for a personal/professional change, a relocation/expatriation, life after a separation, lack of self-esteem, senselessness, etc. Topics are as diverse as the individual behind them.
Here, just enough push is applied to enable them to act. My clients go and grow through a sustainable empowerment process from which they come out with clarity and fortified tools, living more consciously, decisively and proactively as they accept and meet challenges as a growth process. This change of mindset comes about as I work with them to activate their resources, and help them determine the most robust way forward and accompany them in the implementation of their personal masterplan. I measurably help you to overcome weaknesses, get into your element and accelerate yourself.
EMDR-Touchpoint - removing blockades and phobias
As a licensed EMDR-Touchpoint Coach, I help my clients to remove various blockades and phobias. With my advanced Touchpoint method I additionally supply them with a
technique that empowers them to use it at any time on their own, independently from me.
EMDR = Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. Also calles wing wave method. Developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 80's for treatment of post traumatic stress disorders, this is a
scientifically acknowledged method by which such disorders can be significantly reduced or even completely removed by using bilateral stimulations. Amongst such disorders are phobias, fear of flying, fear of heights, stage fright, fear of speaking publicly, lack of self-esteem, bullying experiences, exam
anxiety, but also for stress reduction and much more.
My mission: I support highly gifted people to identify their personality code and to unfold it while being in line with themselves.
Not every high potential knows of his/her special personality code. Others just don't explore their limits, and again there are others who haven't been enabled, or perhaps even impeded, by their environment to reach their true potential. Others may be aware of their gift, however they just do not know what to do or how to deal with it. The extent of giftedness a person attains essentially depends on the early determination and support they receive as a child. Whether you consider (intellectual) giftedness as a curse or a blessing depends on the circumstances and the experiences of the individual. High-flyers often experience an odyssey with their talents, which has resulted from being under challenged to completely underestimated. This can cause a row of consequences for them, which often persists throughout their life. However, to best nourish this special gift as well as to resolve blockades, I support my clients by reassessing their giftedness and potential as a BLESSING, by utilising it as such in exactly that way in their lives - as a wonderful gift that opens up a new world to them. Authentic, natural and with ease.
High sensibility / High sensitivity
Similar challenges require dealing with high sensitivity, which often comes hand-in-hand with giftedness. Depending on their surroundings, highly sensitive persons and high-flyers can put a lot of energy into interpersonal challenges.
I motivate my clients to benefit instead from this amazing energy in a healthy and goal-oriented manner by living it in a practical way. Additionally, parents and
other guardians of highly sensitive persons find that my mentoring provides important support that aids in dealing with their child's valuable potential in a healthy way. Because giftedness is
not a desease, it is a gift and special ability which has to be supported.
High-flyers as well as highly sensitive individuals are an important and precious component of humanity.
Be good to women. (Prophet Muhammad)
A focus of my work lies on the holistic coaching process of women by strengthening their self-esteem and self-confidence in relation to their daily, professional and private lives so that they develop a higher quality of life. This includes also discovering their true potential and figuring out their purpose in life and their mission, which they can then sculpt into their personal masterplan and hence bring their life up to the next level.
Female Business Empowerment:
- Women in executive positions
- Women Entrepreneur, women with startups
Female Personal Empowerment:
- Profiling
- Education and empowerment against disadvantages, abuse of girls and
Good to know
Coaching and training is a process in which one or more persons are accompanied during the implementation of a goal. In this process coach and client must work
together. The wish for change, be it personal or professional, is the beginning of coaching. For successful implementation, this wish, the will and willingness to go through the respective steps
are required. The coach does not solve the issues and problems of the client but shows them ways and solutions or works out together with the client solutions which fit their circumstances. The
coach accompanies the client during a process. The fields of coaching are as versatile as you. Hence many different topics merge.
Above are listed a few. For a customised consultation about other specific topics, please do not hesitate to contact me and we will see how I can support you. The
coaching is based on mutual trust between coach and client, which I surely guarantee my clients.
Um eine Plattform zum unverbindlichen Austausch zum Thema HS und HB anzubieten, habe ich kostenlose Meetup Veranstaltungen ins Leben gerufen. Hier gibt es auch die
Möglichkeit, mich vorab persönlich kennenzulernen und deine Fragen zu stellen.
Termine und Anmeldungsform zur kostenlosen Teilnahme findest du hier:
Meetup Hochsensibilität & Hochbegabung in NRW & International online & offline
Melde dich an und sei bei unseren Treffen dabei!
AVGS Coaching
Egal, wo du wohnst, wir coachen deutschlandweit auch online!
AVGS (Aktivierungs- u. Vermittlungs-)Gutscheine
in Kooperation mit den Agenturen für Arbeit und Jobcentern.
Für mehr Informationen kontaktiere mich gerne.
Zu meinen Klienten gehören Unternehmen, Institutionen und Privatpersonen. Ich arbeite ortsunabhängig online und
Sprachen: Deutsch & Englisch
My clients are companies, institutions and private persons.
My consultations are both online and offline.
Types of coaching:
Languages: German & English